Sing the song

Sing the song!


We are looking for voice and song of 2019

Sign up and be a singer!

Would you like to earn $25,000 in 2019?

The song length may be up to three minutes.

The winner of the vote undertakes to appear personally on the transfer of the prize.

By submitting the application, the Applicant acknowledges that if the song he calls is among the top thirty productions, he / she will conclude a written contract with E.T.C. on the 15th day prior to the first broadcast.

Upload the soundtrack in mp3 format please!

The singer will accept the terms of this call for applications by submitting applications and declare that their other valid contract does not inhibit

You may sing any type of song.

Every applicant will be winner!
After valid registration every applicant will receive a coupon of € 150.

1st prize: 25.000$
2nd prize: 20.000$
3rd prize: 10.000$


Authentication is required.

Fees, gifts, commissions, invitations and orders are only available after valid registration and authentication. Registration is only valid if you have completed the application form and validated. Validation fee is 1.75 € The European Tourism Club only accepts bank card payments. Applications must be verified by bank transaction.

All payments (winnings, commissions) can only be made by transfer, taking into account EU Directive 2015/849.

Send your song, win the race!

Use and enjoy the opportunities given by our club!

Share and win!

 Apply and win!
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